Friday 10 February 2017

The Nature Connection: What It Does To The Human Body

With today’s technology-run world, we forget about connecting with nature. We’re too obsessed with the latest gadgets and all the click-baits on the internet that we lose a part of our humanity. But what happens to us humans when we’re one with nature?

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First off, exploring the great outdoors means we’re exposed to more greens and fresh air. Living in the city exposes us to pollution, thus, going out to breathe air helps the body get rid of toxins. By making a conscious effort to disconnect with our normal activities and take a break by exploring nature is like giving our respiratory system its much needed “spa day.”

Several studies also suggest that being one with nature protects our bodies from various diseases like depression, cancer, diabetes, and heart conditions. We also lower our stress levels by experiencing the quiet nature. While it’s not clear how it happens, exposure to nature promotes physical and mental health. Vitamin D, which the body gets from the sunshine, is also a key player to better health. It is essential for stronger teeth and bones and is also great for the skin.

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I may be retired, but that does not stop me from taking beautiful pictures of sceneries and being one with nature! Read more about photography and anything under the sun by subscribing to my blog. Peter Benedict here.

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