Thursday 13 April 2017

Protecting Your Camera From The Rain

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It goes without saying, but nature photography requires photographers to be outside. It is naive to think that taking the best shots are easy -- or completely safe. In fact, it can be argued that the best shots often happen during the worst weather. Novice photographers should be well-prepared for these conditions, including knowing how to protect your camera from the rain. Below are two tips:

Use an umbrella: Sometimes, the easiest solution is the best one. Umbrellas are never really thought of anymore, but many professional photographers still use one when they take their shots. Understand that shooting portraiture or some other type of photography wherein the camera needs to be held will require another gear. However, if the novice photographer is using a tripod, an umbrella is a great and inexpensive solution to consider.

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Make your own makeshift rain cover: There are many rain sleeves one can buy in stores or online. Nevertheless, there are other inexpensive ways to protect cameras from rain. One recommended way is described here: First, mount the camera on a tripod and install the lens hood. Take a standard plastic bag and pull this over the open end of the camera, lens side first. Stretch a rubber band over the lens and place it at the base of the hood. Photographers should then make a hole in the plastic bag in front of the lens and pull it back toward the rubber band. This should keep the camera relatively safe from water damage. Using a transparent bag can help novices see use their controls.

If all else fails, the best solution would still be to invest in a rain sleeve.

Peter Benedict here. I am a retired photographer who loves taking shots of nature. Follow me on Facebook for more photography tips.